Sponsor Opportunity
Strongman Battles is a young, dynamic organization based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. With NYMA Outdoor Gym as our home base, we have the ambition to build Strongman Battles into a successful international Strongman show.
Reach a new audience by supporting Strongman Battles.
Strongman Battles events are one of a kind:
- 8 x per year WEEKEND event (winter, spring, summer, fall)
- Aproxx 70 athletes per weekend
- 4 athlete levels (beginners to pro) in 4 weight classes
- Athletes from all over the world
- Livestream YouTube
- 300+ audience on-site per weekend

Strongman Battles in Nijmegen has 4 editions per year.
Winter edition
Spring edition
Summer edition
Fall edition
Each edition has 2 weekends.
The following Sponsor packs are based on 1 season event, two weekends.
Sponsor Pack € 250
- 1 crush barrier banners (*excl 2 pvc banners, front and back)
- Tags @ on social media posts
- Logo + link on Strongman Battles website

Sponsor Pack € 500
- 2 crush barriers banners (*excl 4 pvc banners, front and back)
- Tags @ on social media posts
- Logo + link on Strongman Battles website
Sponsor Pack € 1000
- 4 crush barriers banners (*excl 8 pvc banners, front and back)
- Tags @ on social media posts
- Logo + link on Strongman Battles website

- 10 crush barrier banners (*excl 20 pvc banners, front and back)
- 4 crush barrier banners stay on home base location NYMA Outdoor Gym
- Major Sponsor intro post on our social media
- Tags @ on social media posts
- BIG logo + link on Strongman Battles website
- Info/sales booth at event
- Let’s talk more ideas!

We can help you design and print the banners. Please contact us at lease 2 weeks before the event in order to be in time.
You can also design and print your banners and send them directly to us. We use this online printing (Dutch) company for our banners. When you order please make sure you choose 2 banners for 1 crush barrier, front and back.
You can also directly download the info sheet and work file (in Dutch).
No sport events without the help of partners & sponsors.
Thank you for your partnership!
Make sure you follow us on our main communication platform instagram to stay up-to date!